
[Talk Event] Artist Talk 
Puck Verkade×Petra Noordkamp

Date: Friday 29 March, 2023
Time: Open 19:00, Starts 19:30
Place: Dejima Lounge, Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
3-6-3 Shibakoen, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0011 
Language: English

* Registration required. Identification card will be requested at the entrance

On Friday 29 March, visual artists Puck Verkade and Petra Noordkamp will discuss their work at the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Tokyo. Both currently have exhibitions in Japan. Puck Verkade is participating in the Yokohama Triennale with her installation 'Uprooted' and Petra Noordkamp has a solo show titled 'BETTER NOT MOVE' at CAVE-AYUMI GALLERY in Tokyo.

Both work with video and weave autobiographical experiences into their installations but the way they do so differs so much that this will be the interesting starting point for their conversation. That their work is about much more than their own souls will also be discussed in detail during the screening of footage of their current and previous work.

Be very welcome to this event! Doors open at 19:00, the talk starts at 19:30 and from 20:30 we will have a drink.
If you are interested to attend the event please send an email with your full name, organization/company to info@caveayumigallery.tokyo to register.

Many thanks to the Mondriaan Fund, the organizers of the Yokohama Triennale, Galerie Onrust and Dürst Britt & Mayhew and to the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in


[トークイベント] アーティストトーク  

日時: 2024年 3 月29日(金)開場19:00、開始19:30~
場所:オランダ王国大使館  出島ラウンジ
〒105-0011 東京都港区芝公園3-6-3 
※事前申込制 (当日は身分証明書をご提示下さい。)

この度、3月29日(金)に駐日オランダ王国大使館にて、ビジュアルアーティストのPuck VerkadeとPetra Noordkampがトークイベントを行います。両アーティストは現在、日本で作品を発表しており、Puck Verkadeは「Uprooted」というビデオインスタレーションで横浜トリエンナーレに参加し、Petra Noordkampは個展「BETTER NOT MOVE」をCAVE-AYUMI GALLERY(神楽坂)で開催中です。



ご参加希望者は、 info@caveayumigallery.tokyo 宛にお名前、ご所属をお送りください。(当日は入り口にて身分証明書をご提示ください。)

本イベント開催にあたり、Mondriaan Fund、横浜トリエンナーレ、Galerie Onrust、Dürst Britt&Mayhew、およびオランダ王国大使館へ感謝申し上げます。

Puck Verkade《Uprooted》

Petra Noordkamp《BETTER NOT MOVE》