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2019年12月7日(土) - 12月24日(火)
オープニングレセプション:12月7日(金)  18:00 - 20:00

CAVE - AYUMI GALLERYでは、2019年12月7日(土)より12月24日(火)までフィンランド人アーティスト、アリ・サールトによる個展「Tranquillity」を開催いたします。アリ・サールトは1990年代半ば以降 、殺人や処刑が行われた場所、都市空間での脅威、自殺、ホームレスやうつ病などのテーマを扱ったプロジェクトに取り組んできました。今回の展示では、2017-8年に「東京 冬の光」として遊工房アートスペースにて撮影されたピンホールカメラによるポートレート作品を帰国後、新たに作品化したものを展示いたします。

What happens when the last document of your life has vanished? All the birth certificates, familyalbum photographs, all the letters? How about when all the memories about you havedisappeared, with your contemporaries, colleagues and family members?Tokyo Winter Light, series of pinhole camera portraits by Mr. SAARTO, Ari, circulate around thisnotion which is closely related to our presence and it’s transience. These silent, sullen, murkyand clumsy images, lacking details and decent exposure, are translucent and almost at theedge of vanishing. The original series was taken during an artist-in-residence at the YoukoboArt Space, Zempukuji, 2017–2018. Now the images are returning Tokyo CAVE-AYUMIGALLERY, in full size, printed on canvas.Noise, a loop of several video portraits taken with an pinhole camera, depicts people silent,eyes closed, listening something, attending to themselves. It seems that they are trying to reachsomething, which is inside. Something, which is invisible, unformed, un-named. One doesn'tknow what it is, one might not even recognize it is there. They are surrounded by noise, which isin the space around us and also in our visual world – and also in pixels in these distorted “low-fi”videos.This exhibition will proceed and will be shown 2020 in various photographic centres in Finland,among others Northern Photographic Centre and the The Centre for CreativePhotography/Gallery Ratamo.

——SAARTO, Ari (b. 1961) lives and works in Helsinki, where his studio is based. His themes havevaried from violence and threat in city space, homelessness and suicides to depression. He isespecially interested in landscape, and since 2017, he has been using pinhole camera forexperimental videos, mixing low-tech and hi-tech in contemporary art. Mr. Saarto has beenshowing his works in several countries in Europe, among others Sweden, Italy, United Kingdom,Germany, Poland and Austria. This is his third solo show in Japan. He is represented in Japan by Yumiko Chiba Associates.

Cooperation: Yumiko Chiba Associates,Youkobo Art Space
Sponsors:Finnish Cultural Foundation, Frame Contemporary Art Finland,Greta and William Lehtinen Foundation
Under the auspice of: Embassy of Finland